Press Releases
National High School Senior’s Voter Registration Day
December 4, 2006
WASHINGTON –Today, Chairman Vernon J. Ehlers, R-Mich., called upon his colleagues to support H. Con. Res. 73, introduced by Congressman Jim McCrery, R-La. The bill would support the establishment of the first Tuesday in May as National High School Senior's Voter Registration Day, during which volunteers will register high school seniors and other students of voting age on-site. "My goal as the Chairman of the House Administration Committee is to make certain that every citizen who is able to vote does so," Ehlers said in support of the concurrent resolution just two months after the Committee on House Administration introduced the Federal Election Integrity Act of 2006 that passed the House by a 228-to-196 vote. "As an educator, I witnessed firsthand the passion and energy our young people possess when given a chance to voice their beliefs. These qualities that will serve them well as they enter the voting booth," Ehlers concluded. "The National High School Senior's Voter Registration Day will create an additional mechanism to register young men and women, and should encourage an early desire to participate in the political process." For more information, contact the Committee press office at (202) 225-8281. |