WASHINGTON - Today, Committee on House Administration's Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk (GA-11) released an interim report on his findings on the events surrounding January 6, 2021, as well as his investigation into the politicization of the January 6th Select Committee. This report outlines criminal recommendations against former Representative Liz Cheney. 


1. Former Representative Liz Cheney colluded with “star witness” Cassidy Hutchinson without Hutchinson’s attorney’s knowledge.

2. Former Representative Liz Cheney should be investigated for potential criminal witness tampering based on the new information about her communication.

3. Cassidy Hutchinson’s most outrageous claims lacked any evidence, and the Select Committee had knowledge that her claims were false when they publicly promoted her. 
  • President Trump did not attack his Secret Service Detail at any time on January 6.
  • President Trump did not have intelligence indicating violence on the morning of January 6.
  • Cassidy Hutchinson falsely claimed to have drafted a handwritten note for President Trump on January 6.
  • Representative Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson baselessly attempted to disbar Hutchinson’s former attorney.

4. Former Representative Liz Cheney used the January 6 Select Committee as a tool to attack President Trump, at the cost of investigative integrity and Capitol security.

5. The January 6 Select Committee was improperly constituted and lacked authority.

6. The January 6 Select Committee neglected or withheld evidence from its Final Report and deleted voluminous records it should have preserved.

7. The Department of Defense scapegoated the Washington D.C. National Guard to distract blame from senior leadership.

  • Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller dismissed President Trump’s order prior to January 6 to use “any and all” military assets to keep the demonstrations safe.
  • Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy intentionally delayed the D.C. National Guard’s response to the Capitol on January 6, despite authorization.
  • The Department of Defense Inspector General published a flawed report containing fabrications and ignored relevant information.
  • The Department of Defense and the Department of Defense Inspector General knowingly and inaccurately placed blame on D.C. National Guard leadership for the delayed response on January 6. 
  • The Department of Defense Inspector General was not responsive to the Subcommittee’s requests and even obstructed the Subcommittee’s investigation.
  • The Subcommittee detected an inappropriately close relationship between the Department of Defense and its watchdog Inspector General.

8. The FBI and Capitol Police both failed to investigate the individuals responsible for building fake gallows on Capitol grounds on January 6.

9. The Subcommittee published more than 44,000 hours of CCTV footage from the Capitol.

10. The Subcommittee conducted an extensive review of the investigation into the two pipe bombs on January 5 and 6, and that report is set to be released within the next few days.

Click here or below to view the full report.

Interim Report: On the failures and politicization of the January 6th select committee
Click here or the image above to view the report.


This interim report reveals that there was not just one single cause for what happened at the U.S. Capitol on January 6; but it was a series of intelligence, security, and leadership failures at several levels and numerous entities. 

Over the course of the 118th Congress, this Subcommittee has interviewed hundreds of witnesses, scoured over millions of pages of documents, analyzed thousands of hours of surveillance videos, listened to hundreds of hours of radio communications, and conducted hearings.

Chairman Loudermilk released his first January 6, 2021 report, "Initial Findings Report" on March 11, 2024 which focused on identifying and reviewing the numerous security failures on and leading up to, January 6, 2021, and reviewed the creation, operation, and claims made by Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Select Committee to investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. Click here to view the Initial Findings Report. 
