WASHINGTON - Committee on House Administration Ranking Member Rodney Davis (IL-13) issued a statement following Judiciary Committee Democrats' decision to violate bipartisan House committee rules in order to delegate their official duties to political consultants in a congressional hearing solely designed to further their liberal agenda against the President.

"The Committee on House Administration writes the rules that govern how committees and Members of Congress use their official funds and resources. The Committee's Congressional Handbook, approved by the Committee in a bipartisan fashion, clearly states consultants are not considered employees of the committee and may not perform 'regular and normal duties of committee staff'," said Ranking Member Davis.

"The Democrats' decision to allow political consultants to serve as staff and question a witness, for six times the amount of time Members receive, in a flagrant attempt to attack the President is a blatant disregard of our committee regulations. I am both shocked and disappointed that the two Democratic Members who serve on both Judiciary Committee and CHA, especially the Chairperson, would vote against their own committee's rules. It's clear the Democratic Majority has lost sight of the important role our committee plays in ensuring outside, political operatives do not partake in official responsibilities within the House."


U.S. House of Representatives Committee's Congressional Handbook:

Pursuant to 2 U.S.C. ยง 4301, each Committee is authorized, with the prior approval of the Committee on House Administration, to obtain temporary or intermittent services of individual consultants or organizations, to advise the Committee with respect to matters within its jurisdiction.

The consultant is to act as an independent contractor and is not an employee of the Committee. The Committee on House Administration will not approve a contract if the services to be provided by the consultant are the regular and normal duties of Committee staff.
