WASHINGTON - Today, the Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Modernization hosted a hearing entitled, "The Path Toward a More Modern and Effective Congressional Research Service." 

1.  "Much-needed updates to this organization would lead to enhanced congressional capacity and provide staff, members, and committees key tools in their efforts to serve the American people."

Subcommittee on Modernization Chairwoman Stephanie Bice (OK-05)highlighted the need for the Congressional Research Service (CRS) to evolve the types of products and services it delivers to Congress.

Click the image or here to watch Chairwoman Bice's opening remarks.

Chairwoman Bice: "With a budget of $133,600,000 a year, or nearly $250,000 per Congressional office, CRS has the resources to provide the services that Congress requires. 

"Unfortunately, over the past several years, we’ve heard from offices that this level of investment hasn’t been up to par with the types of services offered or the way in which they’re provided. 

"It is important that this subcommittee understand why CRS is struggling to meet the moment and take necessary steps to ensure the organization’s long-term success."

2. "When you look at other agencies, whether it's CAO or GAO, they don't have the similar types of numbers that we're seeing from an attrition perspective that we've seen within your organization."

Chairwoman Bice 
highlights that in Fiscal Year 22, non-retirement attrition at CRS was double the annual average from 2009 to 2021.
Chairwoman Bice questions CRS Director about the sudden rise in staff attrition.

Chairwoman Bice: "We continue to hear concerns about low morale inside the agency. We were provided with a summary of the 2022 Federal Employee Management Viewpoint Survey (FEVS) conducted by the Office of Personnel Management... the 2022 results that we have seen do raise some concerns, showing a decline (since 2018) in employees’ trust and confidence in senior leadership, and with communication."

3. CRS is struggling to make necessary technology updates in a timely manner.
Chairwoman Bice questions CRS Director about technology updates.
Chairwoman Bice questions CRS Director Mazanec about the Integrated Research and Information System (IRIS), a $20 million multi-year effort to modernize the agency’s legacy systems: "Let's be clear, we're five years in now. We appropriated the dollars in 2018. Here we are 2023, and I'm asking what are the deliverables?"