Republican Members of the Committee on House Administration Applaud Resolution Cutting House Budgets by 5%

WASHINGTON - Today, Committee on House Administration Republicans, led by Chairman Dan Lungren, R-Calif., issued the following statement applauding the passage of House Resolution 22 cutting House budgets by 5 percent totaling over $35 million in savings in 2011 alone:

"We are pleased that our colleagues from both sides of the aisle overwhelmingly passed this resolution - recognizing Congress' responsibility to lead by example. American families, facing record unemployment rates, have been forced to cut their spending and do more with less. By adopting this resolution and cutting our own budgets, we are demonstrating to those struggling to make ends meet that we are listening and serious about fiscal responsibility.

"We also want to reiterate the fact that today's budget cut is only a first step. As members of House Administration, we are dedicated to identifying additional savings and reductions in spending within the House's operational budget. As part of this initiative, we are directing all House Officers, such as the Clerk, the Sergeant at Arms and the Chief Administrative Officer, to find savings within their organizations.

"We thank Mr. Walden for introducing this important resolution and look forward to working with our colleagues as we continue to identify additional savings."