WASHINGTON – Committee on House Administration Chairman Gregg Harper (R-Miss.) adopted regulations implementing H.Res.630, the requirements that each Member, Officer, employee, including intern, fellow, and detailee, of the House of Representatives complete a program of training in workplace rights and responsibilities each session of each Congress, as well as display the statement of rights in a prominent location of the office.

Chairman Harper said: “One of the first actions the House of Representatives took was to mandate training for all Members, Officers, staff, interns, fellows, and detailees. Implementing detailed and interactive training is an integral step in our Committee’s extensive review of the resources available to assist our Members and staff so individuals will be fully aware of the laws that apply to them and their right to a harassment-free workplace under the Congressional Accountability Act. The regulations we approved today will guide our institution moving forward as we work to ensure that our Capitol Hill community is a safe and productive work environment.”

• The Committee on House Administration’s regulations state that the training must:
o Last at least one hour in length;
o Cover the prevention of harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and instructing individuals how to recognize situations of harassment;
o Occur in person with a qualified entity designated by the Committee. For District Office employees, an interactive webinar or videoconference may constitute in-person training.
• In the first quarter of 2018, the Committee will designate the official provider of training to offices. The Committee will notify offices when the new training is available and how to schedule it to meet their individual requirements.
• Individuals will submit a digital or physical certificate with the Committee on House Administration.
• The Chairman of the Committee on House Administration will submit to the House for inclusion in the Congressional Record on December 31 of each year a report on compliance with the training.
• Each office must post a statement of the rights and protections provided to employees of the House of Representatives under the Congressional Accountability Act.
• Assurances that a climate survey will be conducted within the House of Representatives within 180 days.
• The Committee will annually review the effectiveness of the training program based upon the feedback of the training participants and consultation with leading experts.