WASHINGTON – Committee on House Administration Chairman Gregg Harper (R-Miss.) today held a hearing examining the Government Publishing Office (GPO) and its efforts to modernize in the 21st Century and beyond. Following the hearing, Chairman Harper said:

“I thank GPO Director Davita Vance-Cooks for testifying before the committee this morning and discussing with us the challenges the publishing office has faced as a result of the digital revolution. Like all industries, with the increase in demand for online access to information, GPO has been forced to rethink its practices from top to bottom. We recognize that is no small task.

“As the GPO continues to modernize, we do have concerns regarding the five management challenges identified by GPO’s Inspector General (IG) in their last 11 semi-annual reports to Congress. Our committee hopes to see a renewed effort by GPO’s leadership to resolve these challenges. Together with Director Vance-Cooks, we are optimistic that GPO will meet their mission to serve as the collection, production, and distribution of public information for all three branches of government. We look forward to updates on the needed improvements and further dialogue in the future.”