WASHINGTON - Committee on House Administration (CHA) Ranking Member Rodney Davis (IL-13) and House Rules Committee Ranking Member Tom Cole (OK-04) issued the following statement on the Democratic leadership's decision to rush their hyper-partisan election security bill with a CHA Markup of H.R. 2722 tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. and a premature notice for a House Rules Committee hearing on Monday night before the bill has left the House Administration Committee.

"Our nations’ election infrastructure is aging and at risk, and Congress needs to provide a bipartisan solution to address this problem. Republicans want to work with Democrats on election security. Unfortunately, the Democrats were unwilling to continue our negotiations on a bipartisan bill and have decided to rush a markup to suit the majority’s agenda, giving us two days notice to vote on legislation we haven't even considered in a Committee hearing," said Ranking Member Rodney Davis. "It’s simply more of the same from them, just like their partisan disaster, H.R. 1, and it’s unfortunate for the American people who are being deprived of legislation that actually has a chance of becoming law.”

Ranking Member Tom Cole said, “Despite the Democratic majority’s promise to create a ‘more accommodating process to allow diverse ideas to be considered,’ their actions continue to indicate otherwise. In addition to their awful and unfair record on consideration of amendments, the Democrats are now skipping ahead in the process and prematurely noticing hearings before a markup has even successfully occurred. This action is not only disrespectful to members and their ideas, it is a disservice to the institution.”

Chairperson Zoe Lofgren (CA-19) attempted to engage in bipartisan discussions for a joint election security bill, but the Democratic leadership, under pressure from their leftwing fringe Members, is rushing partisan election security legislation in an attempt to steer their party away from impeachment talks.

Washinton Post: Democrats to launch fresh push to counter foreign interference in elections
Politico: Moderate Dems push election security to pivot from impeachment debate
