WASHINGTON - Committee on House Administration Chairman Bryan Steil (WI-01) today released the following statement after co-hosting a member briefing with Ranking Member Joseph D. Morelle (NY-25) regarding the recent DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority data breach:

"Last week, it was discovered that a breach of data from DC Health Link included the personal identifiable information (PII) of several Members, Senators, staff, and their families. Immediately after learning of the breach, congressional leadership responded with a strong, nonpartisan response to ensure accountability and security. As a result, the DC Health Benefit Exchange Authority will provide credit monitoring to all members.

"The investigation is ongoing and it may take weeks to fully understand the impact. The Chief Administrative Office, U.S Capitol Police, and House Sergeant at Arms are taking action to assist members and staff who have been impacted. 

"I'm committed to protecting this institution. Moving forward, the Committee on House Administration will take action to hold bad actors accountable and avoid this occurring again in the future."
