WASHINGTON - Committee on House Administration Chairman Bryan Steil (WI-01) today released the following statement after the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) Office of Inspector General (OIG) announced they have begun releasing redacted reports:

"My priority is bringing greater transparency and accountability to the department as we work to depoliticize Capitol security. While other federal Inspectors General routinely make reports publicly available, until today, the USCP OIG did not. These reports are essential to our congressional oversight efforts and can help alert Congress to issues inside the department. Today's news is a huge win and is a result of our hearing with Chief Manger, where we specifically asked for an update on the progress of making these reports available."

On May 16th, the Committee on House Administration held a hearing with USCP Chief Thomas Manger. Just two days later, the first two reports have been placed on a public-facing website and can be viewed here. 
