WASHINGTON - Committee on House Administration Chairman Bryan Steil (WI-01) applauded the passage of the American Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act out of committee during today's markup :  

"We are one step closer to passing the most conservative, transformative election integrity bill in the House in over 20 years. The ACE Act will ensure states have tools to implement common-sense measures that will strengthen voter confidence and participation. I look forward to this bill being considered on the House Floor soon."

Legislative Vote Summary

  • H.R. 4563American Confidence in Elections Act, as amended by the Committee, was reported out by a vote of 8-4.

Learn more about the ACE Act here.  

About the ACE Act:

  • Gives States the tools they need to strengthen voter integrity and removes outdated federal policies that stand in the way. 
    • Gives States tools to use photo voter ID as proof of citizenship.
    • Grants States access to federal databases so they can have accurate voter lists.
    • Repeals Biden Executive Order 14019 and prohibits federal agencies from engaging in political activities.
    • Prevents federal funds from going to States that allow ballot harvesting and non-citizen voting.
  • Uses Washington, D.C. as an example to implement election reforms. 
    • Prohibits non-citizen voting in D.C. elections.
    • Prohibits ranked-choice voting in D.C. elections.
    • Requires voter list maintenance in D.C.
    • Requires photo voter I.D. in D.C.
  • Protects political speech and enhances donor privacy.  
    • Protects Americans' First Amendment right to support candidates, causes, and organizations without fear of retribution.
    • Permanently prohibits federal agencies, like the IRS, from targeting conservative non-profits.
    • Closes loopholes foreign actors exploit to influence U.S. elections.
    • Prevents the Biden Administration from creating a "misinformation czar."