Complaint Intake Form

Thank you for reaching the Communications Standards Commission Complaint Intake Form page. If you have evidence that an official communication from a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives has violated the rules set forth in statute or in the House of Representatives Communications Standards Manual, you are entitled to file a Complaint with the Commission.

Before filing a complaint, please ensure that the communication material you wish to file a complaint about has not been granted an advisory opinion by the Commission. You can view all pieces which have received an advisory opinion by clicking here; then select the Member/Committee from which the communication piece is from. If said piece is not found on this website, please continue with the form below.

Please note that any complaints received, based on the content of the communication(s), and which have received previous advisory opinions will likely be automatically dismissed by the Commission.

For clarification purposes, “Complaint” means any allegation submitted to the Commission through the public access portal except those that:

  • (1)   relate to a communication that the Commission has previously granted an advisory opinion or will grant a frankable stamp; or
  • (2)   do not comply with the regulatory requirements, including: Those that do not contain factual material sufficient to comply with 2 U.S.C. § 501(e); Those that fail to state a claim for which the Commission may grant relief; or Those that fail to provide required identification information.

The person submitting the Complaint shall be known as the “complainant” and the person receiving the complaint shall be known as the “respondent.”

The Commission will review all Complaints on a bipartisan basis. All Complaints should include all relevant evidence (including, but not limited to, the official communication at issue) and an explanation as to how the official communication violates the law or the regulations set forth in the House of Representatives Communications Standards Manual. You can expect to hear back from our staff within 30 business days or sooner, upon material review.

Complaint Intake Form

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

Please describe your complaint in greater detail, providing as much information as possible for our review.
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