Washington, DC – After Committee on House Administration Ranking Member Rodney Davis' (R-Ill.) amendment to prevent non-citizens from voting was blocked last night, House Democrats rushed through a bill to give their own campaigns up to $7.2 million in public funding and nationalize elections.

Davis speaks on the floor about Democrats' rushed so-called "voting rights" bill. CLICK HERE or video above to watch.
Davis today spoke about Democrats' manufactured voting rights crisis in order to maintain power and control highlighting how this so-called "voting rights" bill lines their own campaign coffers. Key quote from Davis' floor remarks:

"This bill, which was originally about NASA and went through the Science and Technology Committee has seen more than 700 pages of election law tacked onto it late last night, if it were to become law, would give up to 7.2 million dollars of public funding to the campaigns of each one of my colleagues. This is not about voting rights. This is about power and control.

"7.2 million dollars is more money than most Americans can even dream of having. Yet, here we are considering another Democrat bill that takes public funding, and doesn't give it to the American people, but puts it in the campaign coffers of members of Congress. Members who vote for this bill, are voting to line their own campaign pockets. All while falsely telling the American people that we have a voting rights crisis in this country and we must pass this bill because the era of Jim Crow 2.0 is upon us.

"It's the definition of corruption."

CLICK HERE for additional information about this bill.

Davis speaks in support of his amendment to prevent non-citizens from voting in federal elections. CLICK HERE or video above to watch.
Davis spoke about Illinois' mistake with automatic voter registration inaccurately registering non-citizens to vote in 2016 and the dire consequences it could have had. Key quote from Davis' remarks on the House floor:

"Not only does this undermine the integrity of our elections, but the mistake by Illinois could also have had dire consequences for these individuals if they seek citizenship in the future. All of this could be prevented if states were actually maintaining accurate voter rolls, which has been required by federal law for nearly 30 years. Whether intentional or not, we know this is happening, it's undermining the integrity of our elections. This amendment would simply ensure those who are non-citizens, who do not have the right to vote in federal elections, are removed from states' voter rolls. This is especially critical as my friends on the other side of the aisle push for a federal takeover of elections."
