WASHINGTON - Committee on House Administration (CHA) Ranking Member Rodney Davis (IL-13) issued the following statement in anticipation of tomorrow's Hearing: Oversight of the Renovations of the Cannon House Office Building (HOB). Renovations of the Cannon HOB, which Congress began appropriating money for in 2010 with construction starting in 2015, was originally estimated to be a $752.7 million undertaking in order to repair and restore the office building.

"I'm thankful Chairperson Lofgren has agreed to hold an oversight hearing of the Cannon Renewal Project. It is essential that Members are able to effectively serve their constituents who elected them to represent their interests in Washington and ensuring the Cannon building is safe and functional is critical to that mission. However, our committee has the important responsibility to oversee that this process remains transparent and that we are safeguarding the tax dollars of hardworking Americans," said Ranking Member Davis. "I look forward to receiving an update on the progress of the Cannon Renewal Project tomorrow from our witnesses and discussing potential avenues of improvement to complete the restoration in a timely and productive manner."

Witnesses expected to appear before the Committee are Mr. Thomas J. Carroll III, Acting Architect of the Capitol; Mr. Terrell Dorn, Managing Director, Infrastructure Operations, Government Accountability Office; Mr. Christopher P. Failla, Architect of the Capitol Inspector General.
