WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers (R-KY), and House Administration Committee Chairman Candice Miller (R-MI) announced today that after three years under Republican leadership, the House of Representatives is on track to save taxpayers more than $400 million in House operations by the end of the fiscal year, keeping the GOP pledge to “make Congress do more with less by significantly reducing its budget.”

“House Republicans made a pledge to rein in government spending, starting with Congress’ own budget, and from the very first vote of our new majority in the House, we’ve worked to keep that promise,” said Speaker Boehner. “Many families and small businesses are cutting back, and it’s only right that the House of Representatives lead by example.”

“Just as we are asking every federal agency to rein in their spending, we in the House are making serious cuts to our own budgets – tightening our belts, trimming the fat, and running a leaner, more efficient legislative branch,” said Chairman Rogers. “While it hasn’t always been easy, we’ve made responsible choices to find ways to make these budget cuts work. As a result, these cuts are dyed-in-wool proof for the American people that their government can make some of the same sacrifices that they’ve had to make, and still get the job done.”

“While Executive Branch spending continues to rise, American taxpayers are struggling to make ends meet,” added Chairman Miller. “That’s not right. Congress is not, and should not be, immune to our economic hardship, which is why Republicans have implemented the largest cut to the House’s operating budget in recent history, forcing Members to do more with less – just like the rest of the country.”

NOTE: House Republicans are on track to save taxpayers $405 million in the first three years of the new Republican majority. This includes approximately $58 million in savings in FY 2011, another $143 million in FY 2012, and $205 million in FY 2013 (a portion of which is the result of sequestration, which the House has implemented without furloughs). The largest share of the cuts come from House committees, leadership offices, and individual lawmakers’ MRAs. House officers, including the Clerk, Sergeant at Arms, and CAO, are also doing more with less. The infographic above (click here for high-res version) compares the spending trajectory of the previous Democratic majority through FY 2010 with the savings enacted under Republican leadership.