WASHINGTON – Today, after concluding a two-day hearing on House committee funding levels for the 113th Congress, Committee on House Administration Chair Candice Miller, R-Mich., issued the following statement:

“First, I want to thank all of the committee chairs and ranking members for taking the time to testify before this Committee. We cannot stress enough the importance of their work, which is why it’s imperative that House Admin do everything within its power to help them achieve maximum efficiency with fewer resources.

“Leading by example, Republicans cut committee budgets by approximately 11 percent last Congress – the largest cut to committee funding since the 104th Congress. And today, committees are faced with yet another cut, this time triggered by sequestration.

“Over the past two days, we heard compelling and thoughtful testimony from each committee about their respective budgets and commitment to uphold the equitable two-thirds, one-third allocations between majority and minority offices. Over the next several days, the Committee will carefully review and evaluate budget requests to determine allocations for the 113th Congress. Again, I thank each committee for participating and pledge to move through this funding process as quickly and thoughtfully as possible.”

House Rules require the Committee on House Administration to establish authorization levels for House committees each Congress. Final authorization levels set by the Committee are included in a resolution that must be considered by the full House.