WASHINGTON - Chairman Bryan Steil (WI-01) opened today's Full Committee Hearing titled, "Member Day: Committee on House Administration."

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Chairman Steil's full opening statement as prepared for delivery: 

Today the Committee on House Administration continues our legislative oversight with Member Day for the 119th Congress. 

The Committee on House Administration is tasked with ensuring the legislative branch as a whole is operating efficiently and effectively. 

As the Committee with broad oversight of many legislative entities, we often bring forward legislation that impacts our workplace and our colleagues here in the Capitol. 

From campus safety to committee funding and federal election law, every single Representative is impacted by the work we do on this Committee. 

That is why it is crucial to hear from our colleagues at the beginning of each Congress to see how we can work together to bring forward legislation that better serves the American people. 

In addition to our legislative oversight duties, the Committee also assists Member offices through fulfilling Member service requests, programming for staff and Members, and more. 

For example, during the 118th Congress, we completed 660 Member service requests for Republicans, sent over 50 newsletters on House operations, and had a total programming attendance of over 3,000. 

We held a Member Day hearing at the beginning of the 118th Congress, as well. 

In that hearing, we heard many great recommendations from our colleagues. We were even able to implement recommendations we received through pieces of legislation that passed this Committee. 

For example, we heard from our colleague Congresswoman Claudia Tenney of New York about election integrity efforts to prevent noncitizen voting.  

I look forward to hearing from our colleagues today about a variety of issues this Committee will consider in the coming months.  

I thank our colleagues for coming before the Committee to testify today and I look forward to having a positive discussion about how we can improve our institution. 

