The Committee on House Administration Republicans issued the following release after six Members of Congress came before the Committee during this morning's Member Day Hearing to discuss potential legislation that is before the Committee, as well as administrative ways to improve the functionality of the House of Representatives.

"I'm grateful to the Members who came forward today with ideas on how we can make the House work more efficiently, or as I like to say, 'making the House work for Members,' so we can focus on doing what we were sent to do by our constituents," said Ranking Member Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) "My work both on House Administration and the Select Committee on Modernization have provided me with insight and an understanding that we can do better, and I hope we can adopt some of the suggestions brought forth today in our mission to bring Congress into the 21st century."

"Although Congress is our nations' top governing body, it does not have a positive history of governing itself well," said Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga). "Often we are slow to integrate technology, modernize our rules and processes, and make legislation more transparent and less cumbersome. Today's hearing gave us an opportunity to hear ideas from our colleagues on how to improve what we do for the American people."

"The Members of the Committee on House Administration have been great partners in our effort to make Congress work better for the American people. We look forward to continuing our partnership to move legislation reflecting our bipartisan recommendations to reform the legislative branch," said Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress Chair Derek Kilmer and Vice Chair Tom Graves.

Representative Tom Rice (R-SC) raised concerns with the Cannon House Office Building Renewal Project. "For the price that we're paying, we should expect more. If I ran my office buildings the way the Architect of the Capitol is running these office buildings, I wouldn't have any tenants," said Representative Rice. "I would be fired from doing this. It is absurd. It is far below standard."

Members and Testimony:
