WASHINGTON - Committee on House Administration Ranking Member Rodney Davis (IL-13) laid out his priorities for the United States Capitol Police (USCP) during today's committee oversight hearing of the USCP operations. You can view his remarks below:

I'd like to begin by welcoming Chief Sund to his first hearing as the chief of police. Based on your performance over the last three years and the numerous conversations we have had you have my confidence and belief that you are the right leader for the department moving forward.

I would like to thank the House Sergeant at Arms, Inspector General, and the United States Capitol Police for the hard work and dedication to protect and defend Members, staff, and the millions of visitors to the Capitol complex each year. Additionally, I would like to recognize chairman Gus Papathanasiou for his tireless advocacy on behalf of the workforce.

Our oversight of USCP operations has a special meaning to me. I would not be sitting before you all today were it not for the bravery of the men and woman of the Capitol Police who courageously acted to ensure the safety of Members and staff during a baseball practice when a disgruntled gunman decided to open fire based on our party affiliations.

The important mission you all do on a daily basis to try and prevent a similar act from occurring does not go unnoticed, and I thank every member of the United States Capitol Police for making us feel safe and the sacrifices they make.

I do take our oversight responsibilities seriously and since I became the ranking member of this committee in January I have been clear and consistent on our overarching oversight expectations, which are:

  • First, improving proactive communication with offices.
  • Second, building a strong culture of service in all you do.
  • Third, instituting common-sense processes and procedures. Mr. Irving and Chief Sund this expectation, in particular, should be kept in mind during garage security implementation as well as use of the Joint Emergency Communications System.
  • And finally, ensuring the House is getting a return on investment for the additional resources you receive. With additional resources comes additional expectations.

All of you have laid out important priorities for the 116th Congress and I look forward to continuing to work with each of you on many of them. Specifically, I think there is room for progress in negotiating a new collective bargaining agreement, continuing the strides the department is making in the area of diversity, enhancing the security posture for members and staff when they are away from the Capitol campus, and ensuring that we are focusing department resources on mission-critical activities.
