Washington, DC – Committee on House Administration Ranking Member Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) released this statement encouraging the Committee on House Administration to exercise its oversight role and hold public hearings on securing the U.S. Capitol following the events of January 6th. His statement comes following a closed-door, hearing-style briefing led by members of the House Committee on Appropriations.

"While it's clear we all want to prevent what happened on January 6th from happening ever again, a closed-door briefing with selectively leaked information is not the next step in addressing this issue," said Davis. "We need public hearings and I look forward to the Committee on House Administration leading them. This committee has an important role to play in exercising our oversight of the United States Capitol Police (USCP), Sergeant at Arms, and other House officers at this critical time. There are immediate, short-term changes we can make now to ensure the Capitol is secure and it's imperative we begin the process to implement them. In addition, I continue to support the establishment of a bipartisan, bicameral commission that has the ability to conduct a comprehensive review of all federal entities involved in the events leading up to and on January 6th."