WASHINGTON – After Committee on House Administration Ranking Member Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) and ten of his House Republican colleagues announcedthe introduction of H.R. 7905, the Emergency Assistance for Safe Elections (EASE) Act on Monday, support from from election administrators, election experts, and others continues to grow.

"States are in desperate need of funding from Washington without the costly mandates that are associated with it. Congressman Davis's bill would help states like Louisiana keep our polling places safe, recruit poll workers, and maintain the integrity and honesty of our elections. I call on the House to pass this important piece of legislation." Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin.

"I believe encouraging healthy citizens to serve as poll workers by forgiving student loan debt is an excellent idea and would be a good way to entice people to help. One of the greatest needs for election officials is finding capable people to serve as poll workers. That's the case with every election, but especially now during this pandemic." – Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate

"As we work to navigate through these challenging times, it is imperative that states are provided with the necessary guidance and assistance to administer safe and successful elections. The Emergency Assistance for Safe Elections Act grants states the flexibility and freedom to effectively meet the needs of their respective constituents. I am grateful for Ranking Member Rodney Davis (IL-13)'s support and look forward to working with Congress as we move forward towards November 3." – Alabama Secretary of State John H. Merrill

"The EASE Act is key to providing state and local officials the resources they need to run successful elections during COVID-19 and avoids imposing the top-down approach that can handcuff local election officials. This legislation recognizes the pivotal role local government plays in the administration of elections, addresses the poll worker shortage that has plagued election administration in the age of COVID-19, and will help Georgia maintain the integrity of its elections through cleaner and more accurate voter rolls." – Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger

"Congressman Davis's EASE bill not only provides additional needed funding to state and local election officials to meet the additional costs of running safe elections during this pandemic, but also includes practical and common sense ideas that will incentivize college grads to serve as poll workers, support the development of guidelines for election technology, and increase confidence in our elections through sound voting integrity measures. Election administrators across the country will welcome this help." –Christy McCormick, U.S. Election Assistance Commission

"America currently has a crisis in the recruitment of an adequate number of poll workers to facilitate the right to vote on Election Day. I am encouraged by this unique approach to incentive the training of a new generation of poll workers to serve their neighbors and community in the exercise of Democracy." Don Palmer, U.S. Election Assistance Commission

"The EASE Act would provide much needed assistance to county officials such as myself in drastic times. This bill would go a long way to ensure that election officials have the resources they need to maintain safe and efficient polling places this November. I encourage members of Congress on both sides of the aisle to consider this bill and continue to support state and local election officials across the country. I commend Ranking Member Davis in this effort." Don Gray, Sangamon County, Illinois Clerk and U.S. Election Assistance Commission Advisory Board Member

"Even during this pandemic, voters have shown a preference for voting in person, as it is the most secure form of voting. The EASE Act would assist the states in administering safe in-person voting, through funding to protect both voters and poll workers from COVID-19 and assisting states to recruit poll workers to help administer the election. It respects the decentralized nature of our election system, offering support without transferring additional control over election administration to Washington." Lawyers Democracy Fund Vice President Tom Spencer

"The EASE Act provides assistance to election officials to help them administer open, fair, and honest elections during this challenging pandemic. Unlike the House Democrats' legislative efforts to override state election laws and place unfunded, unrealistic mandates on the states, the EASE Act works with the states to provide much-needed funding and support. It should receive bipartisan support." Republican National Lawyers Association Executive Director Michael Thielen

Cosponsors of the EASE Act speak to the importance of the EASE Act in their district.

"We must protect the integrity of our elections, during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Anyone who wants to vote in person should feel safe doing so, and we also must ensure that mail-in ballots are secure. I was proud to join Rep. Davis and my colleagues in introducing the EASE Act, which will help states hold their elections safely and securely. While some have suggested that a federal takeover of elections is necessary, the EASE Act will give states the proper resources to continue conducting elections at the state and local level, as they should be held." – Congressman Brett Guthrie (KY-02)

"States are facing an unprecedented challenge in keeping this year's elections safe and secure for all voters and volunteers, while implementing the proper protocols to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19. This important legislation will provide our local election administrators with the resources they need to keep polling places clean, provide the proper PPE to volunteers, and make sure that voters can either safely vote in person or opt to submit a mail-in ballot. This bill will ensure the mail-in voting process is more secure and help our states as they navigate this challenge. I will continue to support legislation and initiatives to protect our elections and ensure that North Country voters are able to participate safely and securely." Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (NY-21)

The EASE Act provides $400 million in assistance to state and local election administrators to help them prepare safe polling locations, recruit a new generation of poll workers, and update their voter registration rolls. Davis has urged this bill to be part of the next coronavirus relief package. CLICK HERE for more.