WASHINGTON -- Committee on House Administration Chairman Bryan Steil (WI-01) recently introduced the American Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act, which passed out of committee. Support for the ACE Act continues to build, including among key stakeholders and outside groups.

Here's what they are saying:

Americans for Public Trust Executive Director Caitlin Sutherland“With the introduction of the ACE Act, Chairman Steil is taking a crucial step to safeguard our political system by closing the foreign influence loophole that has allowed hundreds of millions of dollars to flow into organizations supporting leftwing causes and politicians. A single foreign billionaire has set up nonprofits that have poured over $265 million to groups in the Arabella Advisors network, a dark money hub comprised of multiple nonprofits that support radical environmentalism, sweeping changes to U.S. election laws, defunding the police, packing the Supreme Court, K-12 indoctrination, and more. Americans for Public Trust encourages all Members of Congress to join Chairman Steil in ending any and all foreign meddling in our elections.”

Election Integrity Network Deputy Director Ned Jones"We say it all the time, 'If we don't fix our broken election system, nothing else matters'. The informative hearings, that your committee has held in the past few months, have exposed many of the concerns with that system, and the ACE Act addresses those concerns. Several of these concerns are covered in Title I, lack of voter confidence, election integrity, an alarming trend with localities allowing non-citizens to vote, the lack of list maintenance, the lack of photo ID to vote, and getting the outside funding and influence in our election system. I strongly support the ACE Act and the great work that your committee is doing to help fix our broken election system. Americans, who want fair, honest, and transparent elections appreciate your efforts."

America First Policy Institute Center for Election Integrity Chair Hon. J. Kenneth Blackwell and Vice-Chair Hogan Gidley"The comprehensive work that has gone into this legislation, by listening to people who are part of the election system around the country, has resulted in a bill that is balanced and fair. It would provide the transparency needed to improve Americans’ confidence in their election system. CEI is proud to stand with you in support of this legislation."

Republican National Lawyers Association President Marc Ellinger and Chair Harmeet K. Dhillon"One of the missions of our 6,000 lawyer and law student members is to advance open, fair, and honest elections. The ACE Act does just that. The ACE Act provides a stark contrast to the election legislation that dominated the last two Congresses, H.R. 1 and H.R. 4... In comparison, the ACE Act promotes confidence in elections by increasing transparency, clarifying the limited role of the federal government in election administration, and promoting the freedom of Americans to express political viewpoints."

West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner"I fully endorse The America Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act and encourage the U.S. Congress to pass the bill. ACE provides states with tools to improve ballot delivery, conduct signature verification, use voter ID, provide observer access, maintain voter lists, conduct post-election audits, and much more. ACE engaging the Election Assistance Commission to create voluntary guidelines for non-voting equipment is a magnificent path to increase integrity in the elections process. Sharing federal information with states for voter registration list maintenance will also allow cleaner elections. I also applaud the use of federal resources to empower decision-making at the state and local level while removing the authority of overreaching federal programs. I continue urging the repeal of Biden's EO #14019, a prime example of federal overreach. Passing ACE will help restore confidence in elections throughout the United States."

Voter Reference Foundation Executive Director Gina Swoboda"This election integrity bill is sorely needed to restore confidence to the American people that our elections processes and systems are both transparent and secure... The Voter Reference Foundation applauds the tremendous work done on the American Confidence in Elections Act and is proud to support this bill."

Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia Co-Founder Garland Favorito: "We are grateful to Chairman Steil and the CHA for adopting non-partisan transparency provisions we recommended for Georgia and American voters. New provisions of the ‘ACE Act’ will make public all materials essential to conducting post-election audits throughout the 22-month federal record retention period. These include ballots, ballot images, cast vote records, chain of custody documents, logic and accuracy test results and equipment certifications. Both Democrats and Republicans have favored these transparency provisions for years. Publicly available ballots are needed to verify questionable election results and detect counterfeits previously seen in Georgia. Once the ‘ACE Act’ becomes law, Americans will no longer be forced to suffer through secretly counted, unverifiable elections that divide the country because no one really knows who won. That will help restore American confidence.”

Tennessee Free and Fair Elections Co-Director Kathy Harms"We in Tennessee, and around the country, are grateful for the exceptional work that has been done on this legislation. Protecting and ensuring integrity in the electoral process is a foundational principle that should engender bi-partisan support. Specifically, this legislation emphasizes the need for each State to be able to develop methods and interventions to secure our elections with less Federal Government and/or partisan political intrusions. We support the ACE Act and are grateful to all who have shared the vision for Confidence to be returned to the American people that their vote is more rigorously being protected."

Coalition Letter Signed by Over 70 Nonprofit Organizations, led by People United For Privacy“The free speech provisions in the American Confidence in Elections Act would defend the vital role nonprofit organizations serve in encouraging free speech and the free exchange of ideas. Privately supporting causes – and the organizations advancing those causes – is a fundamental freedom protected by the First Amendment. Read the full letter here.