Faith in Elections Project Educate Engage Reform

In May 2021, House Administration Republicans announced the launch of the Faith in Elections Project, which builds on Ranking Member Davis' efforts since 2019 to strengthen our nation's decentralized elections system. This project is a comprehensive effort to offer educational opportunities on how elections are administered, engage with key stakeholders, and put forth thoughtful conservative reforms on how elections are run in this country, with States maintaining primary control over their elections. Our mission is to restore faith and confidence in the American election system through 3 main pillars:

Educate: We are working to increase the knowledge and understanding of all aspects of how elections are currently run in this country.

Engage: We are working with stakeholders across the country to continue building relationships, hear about their challenges and needs, and better understand legislative efforts at the state level.

Reform: We will consider necessary reforms in line with our federalist principles based on feedback from stakeholders, state and local elections officials, and Members of Congress.

Faith in Elections Podcast

Ranking Member Rodney Davis invites special guests to talk about the importance of election security and what safeguards states have in place to ensure their integrity.

Listen to podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcast.