WASHINGTON - Today, Committee on House Administration Ranking Member Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) is introducing the American Confidence in Elections (ACE) Act, comprehensive legislation that focuses on strong election integrity reforms while respecting the Constitution, federalism, and conservative principles. Further, the ACE Act continues to address disappointing challenges faced by military and overseas voters and makes the biggest legislative effort in a generation to protect political speech in a climate where Democrats are doing everything in their power to determine "truth" and silence conservative voices.

This legislation is coupled with corresponding model state legislation for each state to consider as we all work to improve election integrity.

Full text of the bill is available here.

In Case You Missed It:

Ranking Member Davis published an opinion piece in The Hill.

Key excerpt:
"Ultimately states are the foundation of the ACE Act, as the Constitution gives them primary authority to establish election law and administer federal elections. My bill provides them with tools to boost election integrity and removes outdated federal policies that get in their way."

He continues:
"However, the Constitution gives Congress responsibility over the District of Columbia. The ACE Act will implement best practices outlined in the model state legislation in Washington. A lot of false narratives on the Left will quickly be debunked when commonsense measures like requiring a photo ID are implemented in such a liberal area with no negative impacts on turnout or effects in the outcome.

"Finally, the last pillar of the bill is focused on protecting free speech. In an environment where Democrats are intent on silencing their political opponents, the ACE Act makes clear that speech from across the political spectrum is protected by the First Amendment. In the same vein, the bill strengthens state party committees and non-profit organizations while curbing the use of "Zuckerbucks" and prohibiting the creation of any 'Misinformation Czar.'"

Additionally, Ranking Member Davis hosted a roundtable this morning with members of Congress, state election officials, and key stakeholders who helped provide input over the last two years to discuss the ACE Act. You can watch here.
